Trends become trends for a reason – they appeal to many people. That is why the idea of a “designer vagina” seems to have captured a lot of attention, and if you dislike that particularly trendy term, it is important to understand that it actually means vaginal rejuvenation.
Though it is a treatment that has been widely discussed (and described) as a designer vagina by such celebrities as the Kardashians and others, it is actually a feminine health issue as much as a cosmetic concern.
The Experts Weigh In
For instance, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons has this to say about nonsurgical vaginal rejuvenation: “As women go through childbearing, hormonal changes and aging, they can experience changes in their genitalia. Nonsurgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments can help to reverse these changes.”
What sorts of changes are they describing? The issues that can be treated through vaginal rejuvenation include vaginal laxity, loss of vaginal lubrication, a decline in erotic sensation, urinary incontinence and loss of tone in the labia majora.
While not all designer vagina treatments can or will address all of these changes, they can overcome many. Of particular interest to those curious about the designer vagina trend is a treatment known as Votiva. It uses two separate devices to address internal and external issues, and it does so in a non-surgical, non-invasive manner.
Votiva boosts blood flow and sensitivity but can also overcome unpleasant changes like loss of elasticity or wrinkling of the vulva and labia. It uses unique devices (Forma V and Fractora V) to achieve its results and relies on heat technologies that work quickly and without any pain or discomfort.
Who Is Vaginal Rejuvenation Really For?
Interestingly enough, a designer vagina is good for women of any age or stage of life. Postmenopausal women find that it can help them to overcome many of the issues that hormonal changes have caused, even recharging their libidos.
This is because the vaginal rejuvenation can include other treatments apart from Votiva, such as PRP injections, or “O-Shots” and filler injections known as “G-Shots”. Both affect a woman’s erotic zones within the vagina and can improve sexual response at any time.
Yet, vaginal rejuvenation is also ideal for a woman who has recently given birth and who is worried about the conditions or appearance of her vaginal area. Women who simply want to improve the look of the vagina can also have treatments that are non-surgical.
For example, in addition to the G and O shots and the Votiva options, women interested in vaginal rejuvenation can also have hyperpigmentation issues treated, can pursue vaginal canal tightening and more.
Don’t let the trendiness of designer vaginas lead you to think it is not for you. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons indicates that thousands of these treatments are done each year, and continue to increase over time. With nearly immediate results for many of the individual treatment options, this is an ideal time to find out if vaginal rejuvenation treatments are the answer you’ve been seeking.
Contact Personique for a Free Consultation
Questions about vaginal rejuvenation? There are a variety of options out there to help you achieve your desired look, and there is no one right procedure for every patient. Only through a personal consultation with a specialist can you make an informed decision. To schedule a consultation with Personique, call (512) 459-6800, or fill out our online form and someone will be in touch with you shortly.