Mini-Tummy Tuck
A Mini-Tummy Tuck is the same procedure as a full tummy tuck, just performed on a patient with less fat and skin to remove. The “mini” refers to the amount of fat and skin removed.
During a mini-tummy tuck, your Personique plastic surgeon will make a small incision similar to the incision made during a cesarean section. Through this incision, they will tighten loose abdominal muscles, remove excess fat, and remove excess skin to flatten and smooth your abdominal wall.
The incision, typically just a few inches long, will be made along your bikini line. Scars from this procedure are small and easily concealed by underwear and swimwear. There is also less scarring because, unlike a full tummy tuck, your belly button will not be moved or reconstructed.
Extended Tummy Tuck
This technique is similar to a standard Abdominoplasty, but the procedure also targets fat on the flanks and lower back. An extended tummy tuck is generally recommended for patients with excess tissue around the entirety of their waist, as opposed to just the stomach.
Your surgeon will make an incision under your stomach from the back of one hip bone to the other. They will make an additional incision around your navel so that it can be repositioned in a way that complements your new form. Extraneous fat and loose skin are surgically removed from your abdominal area, in addition to any undesirable tissue along your hips or behind them.
Your underlying muscles will also be tightened to create smoother curves, as will your skin, and when the contouring process is complete, your navel will be properly positioned. Once complete, your incisions will be stitched up. Many doctors recommend an overnight stay following an extended tummy tuck surgery, so please make necessary preparations ahead of time if this is discussed.
This surgery is more extensive than the traditional technique, so patients should expect a significant change in their waist size and proportions. For patients hoping to remove a larger degree of fatty tissue, liposuction may also be used for a more comprehensive body contouring procedure.